Well, I just wanted to write a little something to let you all know that we haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I'm not sure why I haven't been blogging, but I guess it's just not a priority right now. I have been quite busy, but guess what Kelly, it's Christmas - the whole world is busy! Tomorrow we are going on a skiing trip into a hut where we will be staying for a few days. No nothing romantic or anything - there will be 17 of us all together - but it definitely should be fun. I'll let you all know how it went. Have a great weekend.
Posted by Genns at 4:57 PM 5 comments
Trick or Treat
Halloween Part 1:
Boy did we have a good halloween. We went to the mall (as mentioned earlier) and walked around and got candy. She ate 3 suckers while we were there. Wow, more sugar than she's probably ever had. Then we came home and hung out for a while just waiting for the trick or treaters. Now let me tell you, I'm not very experienced in the halloween department. In fact, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE HANDED OUT CANDY IN MY LIFE! I grew up out of town, and since we've been married we've gone to a harvest party at our old church. So, as you can imagine I was very excited. I thought kids started coming right after school, so we waited and waited and then realized apparently 6 o'clock is the time to start - because they started coming from everywhere. So I put Ella's parka on (because it is freezing here) and we waited by the door. When the kids came, she would just stand there and yell at them and wave her arms around like a crazy woman and try to chase them out the door. Now she wasn't doing this because she was scared or anything, but because she was so stinkin' excited. She chased them because she wated to go with them I think, or at least get really close to them. Josh came home shortly after it started, so he did the handing out for a little while while Ella and I walked around the cul-de-sac so we could meet the neighbours and Ella (i.e. mom) could get a little candy. Good thing we did, because we ran out and had to give the stuff we gathered away. You don't want to anger the little devils.
Halloween Part 2:
At 7, I left the house to go to a friends for a "girls scary movie night." What a great idea since we all know that when girls normally get together they watch "chick flicks", hence the name "chick flicks." So there were about 7 of us, and a few of them were pretty late. I felt bad about being 20 minutes late, and I was the first one there. Anyway, we chatted for a while, drank coffee, ate cookies - blah, blah, blah. Finally at 8 we put in the movie. We watched "The Village" Now this was chosen on purpose, because when Lauren invited everyone she got quite a few "now how scary do you mean"s out of us, so she took it easy. Now don't get me wrong, we were still scared, there was a lot of screaming and holding hands and what not, but the movie really wasn't that scary. I acually enjoyed it. Now the ending was not too great, and the story it self lacked a little, but it was incredibly clean, with even a little romance to make all us girls happy. I give it a 4 out of five. Now, I'm not to picky, I like a lot of movies - so don't take that too seriously. I'm sorry if you rent it from my reviews and hate it.
Anyway, all that to say, we had a great halloween. Here's the little lamb - oh and click here to watch her in action.
Posted by Genns at 10:00 AM 7 comments
Well, I guess it's time to update all our adoring fans on the life of the Genns. My parents were out here for a few days. We had a great time of shopping, eating out and even playing a little Rook. Of course Ella got a new wardrobe, and when my dad was around got to eat cookies for lunch. I was a little jealous of the cookie part - actually I got one too, it was just after lunch instead of replacing it. Ella was such a grandma's girl, crying whenever she left her. Smart kid. We had a great weekend. Friday we went to our friends Max and Lynda's - played some games, chit-chatted - you know "old people" stuff. Stayed til 1 - the Genns are gettin crazy! Saturday we had youth - played more games. Then for the first time we met the youth at Starbuck's before church for a little Bible talk, and amazingly almost all of them came. Well, there are only 5 to begin with, but you gotta start somewhere. We're thankful for the ones we have. They really are amzing kids, pretty much just accepting us with open arms... and they even clean up when they leave someones house - wow! Sunday, went to church, had a loooooong worship meeting, and then had a relaxing evening at home. Anyway, today is Halloween, so the little lamb and I are going to the mall for a little show off and candy for mom. Here are some recent pic's.She can even make tights look good!
Beautiful girl
My grandpa made this for her.
What a great gap ad.
Look at all that hair
She was just sitting like this playing one day. I think she looks adorable.
Posted by Genns at 6:59 PM 4 comments
Well, I've discovered I'm a "spurt" blogger. I get really excited about it, where quite a few of my thoughts are "ok, what can I blog about next" and then, I just don't think about it at all for awhile. Actually I'm like that with a lot of things when I think about it. Oh well, here are some great pictures.
Click here to see a cute little video, I'm just learning, but there should be a few more soon. I probably could post them, but this is easier I think. cutest little butt you ever did see
enjoying fall
the barrette is supposed to make me look like a girl, but I just look like a grump
naked baby with a toque
come on in, the waters warm - excuse the floaties.
Posted by Genns at 1:45 PM 10 comments
My Old Man
Well, today is Josh's birthday. Sort of a quiet, reserved affair - just the way he likes it. We went out for the traditional latte and muffin breakfast, our favourite. Actually Josh just got an americano and I got the latte - felt like my birthday, what can ya do. We had the same thing for Ella's birthday and she doesn't even like latte's! Anyway, he worked, I shopped - hey, maybe it was my birthday?! Then tonight we had small group, Blue and Deb brought us Crave
cupcakes. They are unbelievable. So even though I was supposed to go running with my Nano tonight, I can't get off the couch. Back to Josh, so today he turns thirty. Yes, I am officially married to an old man, but he still looks mighty fine! :) All I bought him was a magazine subscription, some long johns and some undies. How pathetic is that? Actually when you've been running out of underwear it's pretty darn exciting. Love ya hun, looking forward to the next thirty!
Posted by Genns at 10:17 PM 2 comments
The options are endless really.
Boy I've just been blogging up a storm lately.
We go to a small church in Calgary that is mostly made up of young families, and that means lots of kids. Well when we first started going there I realized that Ella was among one of the only girls in the whole bunch (that has somewhat changed since then, but whatever). So, I started hearing a lot of mother's "claiming" Ella as her future daughter-in-law, and being quite adamant about it. Now let me tell you, she has quite an age range of boys vying for her attention. Liam was in good standing till he slammed her head in the toybox in the nursery - but now he likes to tickle her and she loves it, so he might be working his way back up. Blake is the quiet but handsome type - I'm not sure how she feels about him, but he sure is cute. Leif and Reid don't really seem to have any interest in women - so much so that when she was at their house a while ago I told Reid to tell me if she was bothering him and I would take her away. He looked at me and yelled in his little Beaker voice "Take her awaaaaay!" Then there's Christian. I would never have thought of him as a candidate until his mother voiced her opinion to me, due to the fact that he is eight. But older men aren't always so bad I guess. Well, he definitely jumped in the lead by buying Ella a pair of shoes the other day. He really likes her, and is always looking at shoes for her, how sweet.
Anyway, that got me to thinking about bringing back the old dowry - well I guess for us to get money it's actually called bridewealth, but whatever. Like it's looking like we could definitely get some good coin for this kid, she's in high demand,like I was thinking a winter home in Costa Rica perhaps... hmmmm. But I do have to let all you boys know that if baby Ramsdale happens to be a boy, Ella is officially spoken for. He is already referred to in the Genn home as "Ella's baby husband" Ella and Earl - sounds like a match made in heaven hey Keri.
But either way, Leif and Reid you better get your act in gear or all the good girls are gonna be taken. One thing for sure, she is not allowed to marry Benjamin Vater, because then her name would be Ella Vater! Ha!
Posted by Genns at 10:38 PM 4 comments
Spoiled Rotten
Last Thursday Josh had to go work in Rocky Mountain House for a few days, so I decided to go along. We stayed at the Best Western and they were out of single rooms, so we got a jacuzzi suite instead! Now it wasn't exactly a vacation since Josh had to work, but Ella and I had a blast. We swam and watched TV and napped together. Just chillin, the two of us.
The only downer on the weekend was the BRUTAL speeding ticket I got on the way out there. No, I do not want to talk about it, but in my defence, it was my first ticket since I was a sophmore in college. I was pretty worked up about it, because tickets have gone up a lot since the last one I got. Anyway, I came home on Saturday afternoon, and Josh arrived later in the evening. On the way home he had stopped to buy me me a present, and he gave me an iPod Nano! Now my husband gives great, thoughtful gifts for Christmas and birthdays and any other celebration, but he NEVER just brings home presents for no reason. But, he just wanted to bring me something nice because I was down about the ticket and because he thought I deserved it. Like I didn't cost him enough this weekend! What a sweet, sweet man. I feel quite spoiled, but I'm very excited about the nano... now I just gotta dust off my jogging shoes. Not only that, he also finished off the tiling in the entryway!
Oh, the wonderful life of Kelly Genn!
Posted by Genns at 11:12 AM 6 comments
"Thank you, but she's actually a girl." That has been a common conversation for me lately - the plight of poor blonde babies. It usually then continues something like this "Oh I'm so sorry, it's hard to tell" or "Oh, I should have known by the socks" or the overly polite people " Of course, she's so beautiful, how could I ever think she's a boy!"
Now this doesn't really bother me. It is quite hard to tell sometimes, especially when she's wearing green or brown. I still get the comments sometimes though when she is entirely in pink. Like, how cruel do you think I am, dressing my boy in pink!? Anyway, I still just smile and politely answer, knowing some people just don't think before they talk.
But, what really gets me going are the downright rude people. "Oh, it's a girl? Wow, she really looks like a boy. Don't you think she looks like a boy?" Are you kidding me, like weren't you taught to not always say exactly what you are thinking. I guess I just don't get it. Like do you think I can do something to change the fact that you think my child looks like a boy, or maybe I will just figure out that I've been wrong all along. "Wow, it really is a boy. Thanks so much for pointing that out."
All I ask is please, if you get it wrong, just don't try to change my mind. I think she's beautiful, so just say sorry.
Posted by Genns at 10:24 PM 8 comments
The Big Dipper
If you are looking for a post on astronomy, you will be greatly dissappointed, but if a post on mothering is alright read on.
Lately Ella has been determined to feed herself and finger food isn't good enough, oh no, it's got to be the spoon. So I will let her help me bring it to her mouth. That is no longer good enough, now I need to let go. This is incredibly hard as I just picture a head full of applesauce, not to mention her clothes or my floor. So there have been quite a few battles lately with her throwing fits because I won't let her. Well, I'm starting to realize that I need to go through this at some time, unless I still want to be spooning food into her mouth in grade 10. Soooo, I'm walking through the grocery store and something catches my eye... the BIG DIPPER. A big grippy handled spoon with no wrong ways to put it in your mouth. Now I realize this is just a big scam, but I have been intrigued by many a scam in my life. Like the solar powered LED flashlights - oh wait - that was my dad. Sorry dad, just couldn't resist, we've all been suckered in a few times, but when you start getting the shopping channel catalogue you know things have gone too far.
Anyway, back to my story, I bought the big dippers, knowing the day was drawing near. So, yesterday I buckled her into her highchair, threw on a bib, gave her a tub of yogurt, a big dipper and let her have at it. So, here's how things turned out. So you ask, "where exactly is the big dipper?" You guessed it, thrown overboard while diving in with both hands. Actually, it's not too bad, she must be a natural eater - gets it from her mama I guess.
Posted by Genns at 5:45 PM 5 comments
Honey, hurry home!
Well, Ella and I have been spending some quality girls time together. Josh went out of town on Thursday morning, and will hopefully return late tonight. He has never left us for the night before (that I can remember), so I was a little nervous. However, he has worked very late quite a few times, and from that I have learned to not stay at home all day, because then the evening draaaaags on forever! So the last few days have been quite action packed. On Thursday we had the longest MOPS meeting in history. 10-3:30 whew, then I had to run home to clean the house for small group. Well, then we decided at the last minute to not have small group. Richard Blackaby was speaking at the seminary, so we all went there instead and went to Josh and Khara's afterward for dinner. We didn't get home till 10:30, so Ella was sleepy. Great thing though, Ella didn't cry in the nursery (which she has been doing a lot lately), and I was able to find a babysitter here in Cochrane - yay, the same girl who was able to keep her quite in the nursery. Anyway, on Friday we slept in til 9:30, when the cats away the mice will play - and play we did. Then we went shopping all afternoon. I got some great pants at Costco, some fall decorations and some Christmas wrapping paper. Yeah, it made me a little sick too, but it was nice paper. Then we went home, went for a little jog, Ella went to bed, I made some caramel corn - amazing - and watched a movie. This is the life. This morning we walked to Timmy's and I bought Ella her first honey cruller - and can you believe it - she didn't want it!! All she wanted was my bagel, so I had to force myself to eat it, someone had to. Then we walked to the farmer's market and bought some veggies. We definitely need em after all that junk. Now Ella is sleeping and I get to blog. All that to say, even though we are having loads of fun, I miss Josh terribly and can't wait for him to get home.
My sister and her family brought this towel for her from Disney World - doesn't she look adorable!
Posted by Genns at 11:48 AM 1 comments
I'm Baaack
So happy!!
Mom, are you gonna make it?
Sweet outfit.
How can you say no to eating dirt when she's this happy about it.
That's right, just standing there.
Recently I was on a blogging hiatus. When I first started my blog, I really couldn't get enough of it, but as with a lot of fads, it lost its excitement and I got a little bored. I kept going, knowing people wanted to see Ella, but then I just kind of quit. Well, last week I went to Winnipeg on a little trip. While I was there I had so many comments about being a little sick of "princess Ella" - well not exactly, but you get the picture. It made me realize how many people are interested in our lives, or at least interested enough to take a peek. So I thank you, all my fans out there, and it's because of you that I press on.
Let me start with bringing you up to date:
1. I sadly never mentioned the fact that while we partied with princess Ella, another wonderful thing was happening that day. Josh and I had our 5th wedding anniversary. While she was being born, I knew that our anniversary would probably not be celebrated for the next 18 years, and year 1 proved me right. Even though we tried, it just didn't happen. I guess next year we will need to try a little harder. These last 5 years have absolutely been the best of my life, and I am still amazed that he chose me to be his wife. He is an incredible man, and I am honoured to wake up next to him every morning. Actually, he is usually gone by the time I wake up - but you get the picture.
2. Our church has just asked us the be the new youth leaders. We are excited and quite nervous. We will be taking over October 1. Please pray for us as we step into this new job.
3. Ella is walking. Well, not really - but she does take steps once in a while. She took her first ones Aug30, so any day now she will be running around everywhere I'm sure.
4. Everyone I know is pregnant. Well, once again not really. But all the people from Winnipeg who I was pregnant with are now pregnant again. So, I thought I might be getting ready for another one, but now I'm not going to be a copycat. Sorry mom.
5. I really need to clean my house.
6. For my birthday weekend, the 3 of us went to Waterton for a little vacation. We had so much fun together. We went camping, and even had to hike in to our campsite the first night. That was the first time doing that since Ella. It was a little crazy, but for the most part a lot of fun. Then we went out for a birthday dinner on Sunday, and birthday latte's on Monday. Wonderful!
7. I made some really good chili for dinner tonight. I struggle with chili, so this is a big day.
Well, there you have it. I'll try to do better from now on.
Posted by Genns at 9:06 PM 8 comments
Princess Ella
Well, yesterday was the big day. Ella is one year old! It's so hard to believe that it has already been one year since our little Gus was born - only he turned out to be a she. It has probably been the best year of my life. It is such a priviledge to stay home with her and experience everything again through her eyes. She has taught me so much and has rebuked me a time or two. Like when we are in the grocery store and she makes noise to get peoples attention so she can smile and wave at them. I wish I was more like that. I can't remember what my life was like without her. Thank the Lord for the last year I have been able to spend with her, and for everyday he chooses to give me from here on out.
We had a little party for her last night. Just a few friends and of course cupcakes!! Here are some pics...Well, this was before the party ever began when she got a hold of the icing whisk. Honestly, I didn't give it to her, she just knew it would be good.
The pretty girl. Don't you love the sign Josh found to put up for the party?
Oh yeah, this is good stuff!
On to the chocolate.Alright Ella, that's disgusting!
Crazy dad
Just a few of the party guests
Posted by Genns at 9:40 AM 7 comments
Nihahi Ridge
Well, on Sunday we decided to go on a little hike. It was a beautiful day, and we didn't want to waste it. So we headed out to the Elbow falls area to hike the Nihahi ridge. It was to be a 3-4 hour hike. It was quite steep, so after about an hour we stopped for a little break (that's where the pictures of Ella and I were taken). As we were there it started thundering and lightning so I requested we head back down. We got out our rain gear, and as we started hiking, it really came down. Then it started hailing like crazy. It rained and hailed the whole way down. Thank the Lord Josh remembered the umbrella - our little Ella was so warm and cozy she even fell asleep, doing her bobble head impression. (I was a little thankful for the rain, since it was one of the first hikes since the bear incident - except for with the teens - but what bear in his right mind would attack a group of 14 teenagers?) Gosh my hair looks bad, sorry about that.
Posted by Genns at 9:07 AM 3 comments
Well, I know Grandma and Nana have been waiting with bated breath for some new pictures of Ella. Well here are a few of the soon to be birthday girl. Ella went on her first canoe ride the other day down the mighty Bow. We went with our friends Josh and Khara. It was a beautiful day, but of course a rain cloud had to go with us all the way down the river, but that didn't stop us from having a blast. Luckily we had an umbrella or it probably wouldn't have been as fun. We didn't take any pictures of the trip, but I just wanted to show you her lifejacket.
Posted by Genns at 7:08 PM 1 comments
Chateau Genn
We have had a busy week here at our house. My sister, her family, and 14 teens from their youth group came to stay with us from Tuesday till Saturday. Wow, pure craziness. We went hiking at Lake Louise on Wednesday, then to Banff for the evening. On Thursday they volunteered at this lodge, and then we camped that night. Friday morning we went on a 5 hour white water rafting trip, then we went back to our house for a few hours of fun before bed. Then they left at 6 the next morning. It was a bit of a whilrwind. Josh found that sight while they were digging through scrap metal at the lodge, and thought it would be perfect to hang on our house while they were here. We did have a great time.
Posted by Genns at 9:35 AM 1 comments
Well on Nana's request, here are a few more pictures of Ella. It's getting harder to get pictures of her, because she just wants to see the camera and play with the string. She is always on the move these days. I'm constantly chasing her around, but I don't mind (well, most of the time anyway). There's nothing else I'd rather do.
Posted by Genns at 2:31 PM 4 comments