
Bad days and best days.

So, today was one of those bad days. I woke up this morning stressed out about all I had to do - and the house was already hot. I got a little work done, and then I started thinking too much (always a problem) and before I knew it I was just bawling for no reason. I called Josh and just cried to him, but he's working about 2 1/2 hours north of here and couldn't do much to help... or so I thought. I am a very prideful person - something I need to work on more - and there is no way I would call someone to help me. Well, Josh decided to call my freind Abbie and tell her I was having a rough day. She was home today studying for an exam and doesn't have any kids. So she was willing to drop everything, come on over, bring me flowers, do my dishes, mop my floor and take Ella for the rest of the afternoon! I am crying now as I write this because I am so overwhelmed by her kindness. So even though I have plenty to do, I knew I needed to post this while the emotions are fresh. God is so good to provide for me even when I am at my most selfish point. Now I need to pray to be able to see when someone else needs the help of a friend. So today I thank God for friends and a husband who sometimes oversteps his boundaries only out of love for me! Bad days sometimes end up being the best days.

Abbie, her husband Cam and dog Coda



So, I added some pictures, but I guess that doesn't really let everyone know how we are doing. This has been an incredibly busy summer - and I'm not even sure what we've really done. Only 10 weeks till the baby is due and the last 2 weeks have been really hot here. This area is not really prepared for heat. Nobody has airconditioning - even a lot of restaurants don't. The nice thing is the nights usually cool off, so at least we can sleep. Needless-to-say I've been a little uncomfortable and lazy. Today I'm so sore - I went to yoga on Monday and I'm a little out of shape. I have never been to a yoga class before and I really enjoyed it. I've always been a little leary - you know the whole Hindu thing - but there wasn't one word of "higher powe" or meditation or anything of the sort. I'm sure some are different, but this one was really good. Anyway, we are kind of working on potty training - it's going alright. The other day Josh was going to get the mail, so he took Ella along. (the mail box is just a little down the street) So, I forgot that she was wearing panties, which I put on her when we're home to help her know when she pees. Anyway, standing in front of the mailbox she just squats a little and goes on the sidewalk. Josh was so embarrassed and the walk home she just kept turning around and yelling "I pee, I pee." Funny girl. Anyway, we obviously have a ways to go. So that's all I have the energy to type right now.


Summer Frivolities

Well, this will be a long one - since it has been so long, but at least there will be lots of pictures. First off, we were in Winnipeg a few weeks ago visiting family. Sadly, these are the only pictures I took. I really need to get better at this.

Then my parents came out for a little while. These are pictures of a lovely evening we had at our friends Darrel and Sharons. Probably the best hosts I've ever met.

The cutest icecream cone ever.

Papa and Ella going "wheeee" (that's what she says when she sees this picture)

Grandma just watching.

Just eating up the attention

She loves this new book Darrel and Sharon gave her.

On Sunday afternoon we went to the creek to beat the heat. It was such nice family time.

I'm not sure what that face means

Later on we met up with the Falconer fam.


Sitting in her new rocking chair, wearing her new dress Nana sent her. Thanks Nana!