

Well, these may not be the most exciting pictures to some of you, but to me, I will never stop being amazed at what God can do in creating new life. These are from my ultrasound today, and I absolutely love the second and third pictures where you can actually count out the babies finders and toes. The technician couldn't get all the pictures she needed, so she thought I would probably have to comeback for another ultrasound. Oh darn, like I could ever get tired of staring at my child. She couldn't tell what the babies sex was, but we don't want to know anyway. At least this stopped me fram changing my mind at the last minute. That's probably part of the reason Josh comes along because he doesn't trust me with surprises (rightfully so), and obviously because he wants to see the baby - not to mention the fact that I beg him to because I can't carry Ella with such a full bladder. Well, I hope you are as in awe of these as I am.


the johnson crew said...

oh kelly, he/she is beautiful! i can't believe how clear the pictures are. wow, you can even see his side profile. i can even tell he looks like you. oh wow, that is amazing.

Unknown said...

Awesome photos, Kelly! How very exciting. Our ultrasounds never turned out that clearly - I especially like the one with her little toes. For the record I'm guessing Ella gets a little sister. :) How does she like your big belly? You should most definitely post some belly pictures for us.

Kelly Glupker said...

Maybe it's my computer, but I can't see them very clearly. I'll check again later. Congratulations by the way! When is your due date? Did you find out what you were having when you were pregnant with Ella?

Erin said...

What cute little toes! Thanks for sharing your pictures.